Thursday, April 7, 2011

Amadou Samba Supports the Gambia Growth and Competitiveness Project

Amadou Samba April World Bank logo

Gambian entrepreneur Amadou Samba extends his congratulations to the Gambian President, His Excellency Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Jammeh and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs for the successful launch of the US$12 million Gambia Growth and Competitiveness Project (GGCP) on March 22, 2011. A giant step towards creating more employment for the people of Gambia, the project is funded by the World Bank, and has been designed to respond and mitigate the impact on the three big F’s – fuel, food, and financial crisis. With an implementation period spanning five years, the GGCP realizes the government’s growth and job creation agenda, particularly in agribusiness and tourism, two sectors that Amadou Samba and industry analysts agree need intensive development.

Amadou Samba April agriculture launch jammeh

In his launching address, President Jammeh discussed the project’s strategy for agricultural development, which revolves around an out-grower scheme.

“Phase One, which spans Year One to Four, is to test and develop the establishment of a commercial mango farming system in partnership with one or more private investors in order to produce a consistent volume and quality of new and existing mango varieties targeted for the fresh fruits exports market; as well as supporting private investments in processing secondary and tertiary quality produce for domestic and export markets,” he said. “Phase Two, which will run from Year Four to Five, should competently strengthen the capacity of small holder farmers and link them to international market supply chain, particularly for exporting premium grade mangoes.”

Amadou Samba April agriculture

Said the president, Phase Two of the project includes the establishment of facilities for the pulping, freezing, and drying of fruit and produce, industry processes that will help shape Gambia into a top manufacturer of high-quality juices, concentrates, and other fruit products for both local and international markets.

More information on Amadou Samba can be found at